WISE GISE Summer Camp
The Solomon group volunteers for the Women in Science and Engineering’s (WISE) Girls in Science and Engineering (GISE) summer group. Middle school students spend a morning with us learning about complex fluids. From the University of Michigan’s WISE website:
WISE GISE brings 7th and 8th grade students to campus for one week during the summer where they participate in hands-on science and engineering activities. Campers elect a Focus Project in a particular subject area to attend each morning (e.g. chemistry, computer science, engineering, human genetics, physics, and robotics). We allow 15-17 girls in each Focus Project. Focus projects are planned and taught by University of Michigan faculty, staff and students. Afternoons are spent in a variety of hands-on science and engineering activities, including group collaborative competitions, touring dynamic UM labs and learning about science and engineering careers.
Our campers are chaperoned in groups of 15-17 with two University of Michigan student chaperones per group. Sections are taught by UM faculty, research scientists and graduate students. Girls will meet women scientists and engineers and other girls, like themselves, with interests in science, math, and engineering. Campers will have lots of fun exploring the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor.
Girls in Science and Engineering is sponsored by the University of Michigan, Women in Science and Engineering Program in cooperation with the UM Medical School, College of Engineering, and College of Literature, Science, and the Arts with support from the General Motors Foundation.